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Posts under ‘Tools’

Engadget's Sloppy Journalism on the New iPhone

Engadget, the electronics blog, has a detailed iPhone 3G review today. Good overall, but then, near the top, is this whopper: And its 3G network compatibility finally makes the iPhone welcome the world over, especially after Cupertino decided to ditch its non-traditional carrier partnerships in favor of dropping the handset price dramatically. $200? We’re still […]

Basecamp for Organizing Projects

For the past several years I’ve been involved in a variety of projects ranging from education to startups. All have involved collaboration, and in most cases the people involved were not in a single location. One tool has risen above the others for helping keep projects running smoothly. It’s called Basecamp, an online collaborative-organizing system, […]

Flowgram: Illuminating and Explaining

I’ve been advising a San Francisco startup, Flowgram, where Abhay Parekh and his team have come up with a novel Web 2.0 idea. It’s a system that lets you guide someone through several websites or pages, showing various items — but where the pages and links stay “live” for the user. Here’s a smart one […]

iPhone v. Other Smart Phones: Still No Clear Winner

On the All Things Digital site I have a piece today about tools that will help transform journalism. This one’s called “iPhone 2.0–Good, Fast, Cheap: Pick Two” — and the debate is still on.

Off Topic: Need Good IMAP Email Client for Blackberry

For a number of reasons I’m now using a Blackberry Curve as my main phone. But its email system is beyond dreadful for anyone who’s not locked into a Windows-Outlook-Exchange environment. Mainly, the Blackberry IMAP connection is pathetic, a kludge that is almost worse than nothing. It doesn’t understand folders. It doesn’t reflect answered messages […]

NewsTools 2008 Conference

Journalists and technologists will rub elbows from April 30 through May 3 in Sunnyvale, California, at a conference called “NewsTools 2008” — a gathering that promises to bring together people who really need to know each other better. Pro journalists don’t use the available technology smartly enough — though they’re improving at this — and […]

Digital Entrepreneurship Needed Across All Media

Here’s a column I did for PR Week magazine: A cliche of business holds that good ideas are a dime a dozen; it’s hard work and investment capital that turn them into businesses. As with most cliches, this one has a solid foundation of truth. But something has changed, and it has profound meaning for […]

Latest Mac Gorgeous, but Not Quite All There

Walt and Kara at just posted a piece I wrote for them, “Waiting for the MacBook Air Pro” — which begins as follows: Having seen Apple’s MacBook Air notebook computer up close, I’m as dazzled as everyone else who’s had a chance to examine this delicious piece of industrial design. Dazzled doesn’t translate to […]

Utility in Google's Mobile Maps

In Phoenix last week we used Google’s Mobile Maps on the Nokia N95 for a variety of tasks, and found the application to be a huge value. The software looks for the nearest mobile tower (or GPS location if you’ve turned on the GPS function), and when you search for a type of business — […]

Movable Type Goes Open Source

It’s the smart move: Movable Type is now open source. This will make life a little more complicated for WordPress, but that’s all to the good. Movable Type has some features WordPress still doesn’t have, but WordPress has developer community that is truly thriving and innovating. The competition will be good for both companies, and […]