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Posts under ‘Tools’

HyperCamping and Media

Dave Winer has posted a Diagram for HyperCamp, which looks like a great way to hold a gathering. My only caveat: The blogging table may be too big. I’d have a few tables, with enough distance between them, where people could collect according to specific interest and hold a conversation while they were blogging. I […]

The Conversations Network

The Conversations Network is “a non-profit online publisher of recordings of spoken-word events.” It’s the brainchild primarily of Doug Kaye, whose IT Conversations site has become a must-listen for people who care about technology. Now he’s gone broader — and will be looking for volunteers to help. I encourage you to take a look and […]

Wikinews Interviews – Brazilian Blogger Live

Wikinews, the sister citizen journalism project of Wikipedia, has started an, “Interview of the Month,” which hosts original online chats with “people involved with current events.” This month, the interview comes via Brazil (January 11, Wednesday, at 15:00 UTC, 13:00 local time in Brasília): Ricardo Serran Lobo is a Brazilian blogger who began writing about […]

Google Earth for the Mac

It’s here. Yay.

Still Looking for that Aha! Moment on OPML

John Palfrey, my new colleague, says he gets it now about OPML. I confess that I still don’t quite grasp its importance. I am, I further confess, dense about some things. Still working to understand it better… Update: I’m starting to get it now…