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Posts under ‘Tools’

Digital Media Advice Can Come from Many Quarters

SF Chronicle: At Berkeley theology school, evangelicals advise on using media. “Electronic Christian Media” has been taught before at Berkeley’s Holy Hill campus, but the difference this semester is that Heller, a politically moderate, interdenominational Christian, has recruited nationally known evangelical Christians as guest lecturers. Each guest will show the course’s 17 students how evangelical […]

Google's Website Creator

It’s not entirely lame, but Google Page Creator will have some distance to travel before it’s all that useful. The company describes it as “a free online tool that makes it easy for anyone to create and publish useful, attractive web pages in just minutes.” Over at Search Engine Watch, Chris Sherman has this analysis, […]

Seeking An Organized, Public Discussion of Conversation-Tracking

Adam Green: Forming a memetracker community. What I’d like to propose is the creation of a group blog on which Gabe, Kevin, and a few other memetracker creators could discuss their philosophy of what a site of this type should do. There wouldn’t be any discussion of algorithms and “secret sauce,” but surely issues like […]

Pacific Northwest (It's Not Raining)

I’m in Port Hadlock, Washington, visiting with folks from a newspaper group based nearby. We’re here to chat (at least during my part of the program) about citizen journalism and how it might apply to what they do. I took the photo on a bridge as I was driving here from Seattle’s airport, using my […]

Who's Talking about What

Richard MacManus, Rating the Meme Trackers, says Memeorandum is still on top.

Just-In-Time News

Over at TechCrunch, Mike Arrington has compiled a list of real-time news aggregators. There’s plainly some amazing work going on in this area.

Signs, Sounds and Techniques of the Times

I’m coming to take for granted the accomplishments of modern technologists, but this week has brought home the progress we’ve made in communications in recent times. Twice, actually. The first example was a panel discussion on Tuesday evening in the United Kingdom, which I joined remotely via video from a hotel in Doha, Qatar. To […]

Skype Claims Five Million Simultaneous Users

This is fairly amazing, when you think about it…

Comments are Worth the Trouble

PressThink: Transparency at the Post. When Jim Brady decides to shut down the comments at to prevent even bigger problems we’re going backwards in our ability to have a conversation with the Washington Post. That isn’t good. If the press decides to close itself off because the costs of participating in the new openness […]

Commercial Podcasting Kits

Interesting: MacMall is selling a Podcast Kit for podcast creators.