Wired News: Gannett to Crowdsource News. Other large publishers are already experimenting with bringing readers into a more participatory role, and a host of citizen-journalism projects like NowPublic and NewAssignment.Net have sprung up in the last few years. But because of its reach, Gannett’s move could bring these issues into the mainstream. This is truly […]
Posts under ‘Techniques’
A Deeper Look Into House Spouses and Corruption
The Sunlight Foundation asks, “Is Congress A Family Business, Round Two: Once again we’re looking at the House of Representatives, this time investigating what I like to call the Sierra Dominion phenomenon—that of congressional spouses who work for a firm that in turn works for the member’s campaign. Sierra Dominion Financial Resources is the name […]
Word War III
Paul Henry’s “The War of the Words” is unfair in some respects and utterly one-sided. It’s also a brilliant example of how to use democratized media tools to make a point. Take a look.
Muckraking 101
The Sunlight Foundation is offering a Transparency Tools Training session today. Ellen Miller, the foundation’s president, advises: To participate in the Transparency Tools Training Webinar on October 11th at 2 p.m. Eastern Time, go to www.infiniteconferencing.com/join, choose ‘participant’ then enter this code: 632518 and you should be able to see what we’re doing. To hear, […]
Online Time Capsule
It’s gone live: The Yahoo Time Capsule (Flash required) is where you can “share a piece of your online world” in a project that will be created for one month, and then go into storage with the Smithsonian until 2020. I’m planning to contribute.
Citizen Muckrakers Finish Fast
Ellen Miller at the Sunlight Foundation writes, “Wow! You Finished It Already!” — explaining how the citizen journalists did their reporting on congressional family ties to political campaigns: While we still have to verify the work, it appears that 16 current lawmakers are employing spouses in their campaigns. This is how things can work when […]
Congressional Family Favors Discovered
Ellen Miller, president of the Sunlight Foundation, which is sponsoring our Political Transparency project, reports early results from the organization’s Congressional Spouse Project, which is asking folks to help figure out “how many members of the House of Representatives hire their spouses to work for their campaigns—paying them a salary from campaign contributions.” She reports: […]
More Distributed Journalism
The Sunlight Foundation, which is sponsoring our Political Transparency project, has a new request for the public — this time helping out on the Congressional Spouse Project: First, we want to find out how many members of the House of Representatives hire their spouses to work for their campaigns—paying them a salary from campaign contributions. […]
Jay Rosen on Citizen Journalism
Don’t miss his Slashdot interview.
Asking the (Former) Audience
Slowly, but surely, the traditional media are beginning to get it. In a new example, the Indianapolis Star has discovered a new source of expertise, namely its readers: We rarely if ever ask for the public’s help when we research an important issue such as operation of the Marion County coroner’s office (now under investigation […]