I’m at the Where 2.0 conference in San Jose, California, seeing a bunch of amazing new geographic tools. I find myself wondering whether certain journalists are present. I don’t mean reporters who may be covering the conference. No, I’m talking about “database journalists” who use technology to help tell stories better. They should be here […]
Posts under ‘Techniques’
Creating More Programmer-Journalists: Scholarships Available
It got a bit lost in the overall noise when the Knight Foundation announced the winners of its 21st Century News Challenge, in which the foundation awarded some $12 million in grants for creating new kinds of community journalism, but one of the most intriguing and potentially valuable winners was Rich Gordon at Northwestern University’s […]
Texas Erecting Barriers to Citizen Journalists
Pegasus News: Anti-sunshine bill HB 2564 on Governor Perry’s desk Saturday. Under this law, local and state government agencies could track individuals who seek public records and bill them for employee time spent to dig them up. Elected officials, nonprofit corporations, FCC-licensed TV and radio stations and “Newspapers of General Circulation” would be exempt. Pegasus’ […]
Fighting Off the Trolls
Cory Doctorow explains: How To Keep Hostile Jerks From Taking Over Your Online Community.
Using the Web, and Openness, to Improve Political Debates
(This posting appeared today in the Washington Examiner newspaper.) In this impossibly early presidential campaign season, so-called “debates” are already making modest waves. They could be much more useful, and there’s promising progress to suggest that they will. On May 5, we learned of one potential bit of progress. CNN announced that, after the broadcast […]
Crowdsourced Journalism Update
Jay Rosen offers “Assignment Zero, Updated. With Initial Results”.
Needed: You, to Help Capture Public Events
Doug Kaye has started PodCorps, “an all-volunteer team of audio/video producers who record and publish important spoken-word events anywhere in the world.”
Slate's Fray to be Updated: Your Input Requested
“Help us update the Slate message boards,” asks Slate magazine. Slate’s a terrific magazine, but it hasn’t been very “webby” in ways that other publications have long since achieved. The singular innovation there, however, is the FrayWatch, where Slate goes into the comments to extract the best remarks and new facts, and then puts them […]
Many Eyes on Big Problems
NY Sun: New Technique Lets Bloggers Tackle Late-Night News Dumps. A time-honored Washington practice of trying to extinguish, pre-empt, or redirect news coverage by dumping stacks of previously secret government documents on the press may be in for some changes after a headlong collision with hundreds of liberal Web loggers in the wee hours of […]
Twittering and Missing the Larger Point
Wall Street Journal: Friends Swap Twitters, and Frustration. Twitter is one of several growing services, including Google Inc.-owned Dodgeball, that tie together instant messaging, social networking and wireless communication. Twitter allows members to use their computers or cellphones to distribute short messages on what they’re doing. Each message is limited to 140 characters, but there […]