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Posts under ‘Resources’

Principles of Journalism, Citizen and Otherwise

This morning we’re happy to announce a new project, “Principles of Citizen Journalism” — a look at the key principles that we believe are at the basis of journalistic work for professionals and non-professionals alike. The project was supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The principles also appear as part of […]

What Public Access Should be For

Ben Sheldon: The Future of Cable Access. I believe that the important part of Cable Access Television is access. Access to: * media production tools * media distribution systems * training to use them * media literacy education to understand them And all of this should be within the context of the needs of the […]

More Light on Lawmaking

OpenCongress “brings together official government data with news and blog coverage to give you the story behind each bill” before the national legislature. Lots of intriguing ideas, and well worth a look. (Note: One of the site’s funders, the Sunlight Foundation, has provided funding to us for a separate project.)

Future of Public Access

Yesterday’s Beyond Broadcast session on the future of public access TV was a valuable conversation. As expected, my earlier suggestion, which I hoped would generate a lively conversation — to phase it out with a blast of training for citizen media creators — wasn’t greeted with universal praise (ahem). It was definitely lively, and we […]

Rethinking Media Education

(This posting first appeared as a guest column in PR Week.) The university where I’m co-teaching a course this semester is one of several in the nation currently engaged in a ritual that comes around to all such institutions from time to time: finding and hiring a new journalism dean. These searches will, I hope, […]

Reminder: Search is Not Just Google

For proof, see The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines at the Read-Write Web.

Training in Multimedia

Pro journalists can apply for the heavily subsidized Knight New Media Center Multimedia Training Seminar, to be held in Berkeley in March. Recommended if you qualify.

Frequently Asked Question: Is Blogging Journalism

A student wrote to ask “whether blogs are a valid form of journalism.” I replied: An equivalent question would be: Is publishing on paper a valid form of journalism? Blogging is simply a publishing method — a website. Some blogs are clearly journalism. Most are not. The bloggers who are doing journalism are for the […]

Your Data or Google's? Some Small Progress

Network World: Google CEO: Take your data and run. Google wants to make the information it stores for its users easily portable so they can export it to a competing service if they are dissatisfied, the company’s CEO said Tuesday. The company’s behavior to date does not support this new stance, but it will be […]

Public Radio Aiming for Public Journalism

Winston-Salem (North Carolina) Journal: Radio station may build public media center. Preliminary plans call for the center to have and develop forums, Web sites, conferences and other training sessions for public-radio and television journalists, students of Wake Forest University and members of the community. The preliminary plan also calls for it to teach ethics, mechanics […]