I’ve had a great time in Santiago, Chile, where I’ve visited with journalists and students for the past three days. El Mercurio did an interview, and a talk this morning at TVN, the major public TV network, will run tonight — but I’ll be on a plane home. I was honored to appear at the […]
Posts under ‘Random Notes’
I’ve arrived in Santiago, Chile, for several days of talks and workshops at Universidad Mayor, a local university, and TVN, a television network. It’s a busy schedule but should be fascinating. In a brief walk around the center of the city with some local residents, we stopped at the presidential palace. It is a site […]
Yes, We Had a Major Outage
We’re still not clear what happened, but the site may have been under some kind of attack. Happily, we’re back up, at least for now.
Lenin in Modern Russia
Not an original thought, of course, but it’s hard to miss the fact that the statue of Vladimir Lenin in the central square of Etakerinburg, Russia, is surrounded today by heavy traffic, construction and billboards of global enterprises. This city, closed to outsiders less than two decades ago, is in the middle of a construction […]
A Common Traveler Tale: High Cost Net Access
My frequent travels expose me to a common problem: high-cost Internet access away from home. This is not a serious issue in the U.S., where I have a T-Mobile hotspot account and find no-extra-charge Wi-Fi connections in many hotels and other venues. Outside the U.S., this is not how it tends to work. Outrageously so, […]
On the Road
I’m heading to Chicago tomorrow and then to Russia for 10 days for sessions with journalists there. My own blogging will be somewhat limited during this period, but the site will be featuring Ryan McGrady’s continuing series on business issues in citizen media.
Live Webcasting from Burning Man
John Graham has it running here.
Doc Searls' New Blog
Everyone should point to the Doc Searls Weblog in its new location, to give it the link-love it needs to rise in the search engines.
It's Your Stuff? Maybe Not
John Dvorak: Google Pulls Plug, Everyone Misses Point. The scary part is that we are not talking about some flaky, small underfunded company. We’re talking about Google, a behemoth. This tells me that if Google can throw in the towel and abandon one of its online-related services, then anyone can do it—and they will. And […]
On the Road
Heading to Washington for several conferences… (As happens so often these days, United’s plane had mechanical problems and we’re delayed several hours. No big deal for me, but a bunch of folks are missing connections to Europe. UA’s maintenance situation is, at best, problematic.)