The Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society asked you for your questions about Election Day legal issues, and you responded. Below are some questions and answers, which will become a “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) page, and we will be adding more soon. NOTE: If you’re planning to take photos or videos, please look […]
Posts under ‘Legal’
Freedom of Information is for Everyone
Daniel Glover (National Journal): A Guide To Enterprise Blogging. The great thing about FOIA is that it’s not just for journalists. Any citizen can use it, and that includes bloggers.
Election Day Bloggers' Legal Guide Needs Your Questions
If you’re a blogger or other citizen media creator and plan to cover happenings on Election Day, you may be wondering about some of the legal situations you may encounter. Ask your questions at the question page for an upcoming Election Day Bloggers’ Legal Guide, and Stanford University Law students will work on getting the […]
Disturbing News on Free Speech
SF Chronicle: Bail revoked for journalist in contempt case. Freelance journalist and activist Josh Wolf is heading back to jail after a federal appeals court on Monday ordered his bail revoked unless he changes course and gives a federal grand jury outtakes of footage he shot at a violent San Francisco protest in July 2005.
Sanity to Prevail in Journalist's Jailing?
AP: Freelancer jailed over video released. Freelance journalist Josh Wolf was released on bail today from a federal prison where he had been held since Aug. 1 after challenging a grand jury subpoena that demanded outtakes of videos he shot at a San Francisco protest. Wolf’s advocates, who included national journalist organizations, saw the Ninth […]
Legal Support for Citizen Journalist
The California First Amendment Coalition has joined other supporters of journalism in filing a legal brief on behalf of Josh Wolf. He’s in jail for contempt of court, because he refused to hand over to the federal government out-takes of footage he shot at a street demonstration in San Francisco. While Wolf’s sympathies may well […]
New Collaboration: Cyberlaw and Citizen Media
Also posted at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society: If citizen journalism is to become a valuable part of the media ecosystem, citizen journalists will need help in navigating increasingly choppy legal waters — and the legal community will need better information on what’s happening in the citizen media arena as well. Those are […]
Private Communications: One More Reason Why Reporters Need to Be More Tech Savvy
The time has come, plainly, for journalists to start getting savvy about the use of technology for secure communications.
Apple Loses a Round on Secrecy Versus Journalism
San Jose Mercury News: Apple loses appeals court battle over leaked information. Applying strong First Amendment protections to bloggers and Web site operators, a San Jose-based appeals court today rejected Apple Computer’s bid for the identities of individuals who leaked confidential information on one of its new products. In a 69-page ruling, the 6th District […]
Great New Resource: Podcasting Legal Guide
The Podcasting Legal Guide calls itself “a general roadmap of some of the legal issues specific to podcasting.” Great work by all.