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Posts under ‘Free Speech’

A Dangerous Question

Reporters Without Borders, an organization that wants to protect and encourage free speech around the world, asks a big question: “Do Internet companies need to be regulated to ensure they respect free expression?” There’s a surface appeal to this proposal. But it gives me the shivers. The idea is impractical, for one thing. And if […]

Phone and Cable Companies: Dangerous to Citizen Media

CNN: Report: Phone companies want Web providers to pay. Large phone companies are seeking payments from Internet companies for high-quality delivery of music, movies and other content that will move over their telecommunications networks, according to a published report. This is a power grab, nothing less, by companies that much preferred the days when they […]

Microsoft's Continuing China Blog Censorship

Rebecca MacKinnon, in a detailed posting about Microsoft’s latest adventures in censoring Chinese bloggers, writes: Microsoft’s MSN Spaces continues to censor its Chinese language blogs, and has become more aggressive and thorough at censorship since I first checked out MSN’s censorship system last summer. This is depressing, if unsurprising. China clearly understands that American technology […]