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Posts under ‘Ethics’

News Organizations: Time to Say 'No' and Mean It

News Photographer Magazine: New NFL Vest Rule (With Sponsor Logos) Have Some Seeing Red. The National Football League has passed a new rule for the upcoming season that requires photographers at NFL games to wear red vests with Canon and Reebok logos on them, and the news is not being very well received by some […]

Citizen Black: A Criminal

NY Times: Conrad Black’s Downfall Shaped by Many Battles. Another striking aspect of Mr. Black’s downfall is the degree to which his own bullheadedness has worked against him. Mr. Black, a military history buff who would compare his business strategies to great battles, made several aggressive moves after being removed from his company that resulted […]

There's Even a Question?

LA Times: Mayor’s girlfriend is placed on leave. Spanish-language broadcaster Telemundo placed newscaster Mirthala Salinas on paid leave Thursday while it carries out an investigation into whether she breached journalistic ethics by having a relationship with someone she covered: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

Advertising and Paid "Word of Mouth"

Dave Winer: It’s one thing to let Microsoft buy space on your site (it’s called advertising) and quite another to accept Microsoft money for words coming out of your mouth. Next month when we read something positive on these sites about Microsoft, how are we supposed to know if it’s an opinion, or just another […]

Blair on Media, Media on Blair

The Guardian: Right sermon, wrong preacher. There is an easy response to Tony Blair’s lecture on the failings of the media, and some will seize on it. It is to accuse the prime minister – the master (some will say) of half truths, evasion and spin – of breathtaking hypocrisy and an almost clinical lack […]

Amateurish "Cult of the Amateur"

Andrew Keen’s book, The Cult of the Amateur: How today’s Internet is killing our culture, was officially published this week. It is a shabby and dishonest treatment of an important topic. We do face many problems in a digital age, including several of the general issues Keen raises. (I wrote about many of them in […]

Editorial Integrity Gets Boost

This article, “10 Things We Hate About Apple,” caused a mini-revolution inside of PC World, a magazine that is part of the IDG empire. Harry McCracken, the editor in chief, quit in protest when the story was killed but returned when it was reinstated and the publisher reassigned to other IDG duties. It was a […]

Beneath Contempt

If The SF Chronicle reports on a Santa Barbara News-Press story Sunday that reeks of journalistic malpractice. A data-recovery company found child-porn images on a computer once used by the former managing editor, Jerry Roberts — as well as all kinds of other people, including whoever previously owned the computer and sold it, used, to […]

Maniac's Video, Ethics and Tactics

UPDATED SF Chronicle: Tough decisions on how much to show. Grim video sent by the Virginia Tech killer to NBC News led editors, producers and media ethics experts to resume an uncomfortably familiar debate. “You have to find that line between serving the public’s right to know and the obvious public interest in knowing and […]

Iterating Blog Codes of Conduct

Tim O’Reilly, instrumental in the recent brouhaha over blogging codes of conduct, offers some valuable “Lessons Learned So Far,” which include: * The poor choice of the “badges” I proposed, together with a reiteration of why I thought badges might be useful. * The need for a more modular code of conduct, a set of […]