Jay Rosen: Introducing the new Huffington Post Investigative Fund (And My Own Role in It) The announcement of its birth, along with the $1.75 million starter budget, is really the launch of a new Internet-based news organization with a focus on original reporting. You might say the Fund’s operating principle is: report once, run anywhere.
As newspapers fail, the news ecosystem is finding a way forward. This project, like ProPublica and Spot.us and several other projects, will help fill in the gaps.
We need a hundred such experiments, not just a few. Here’s hoping we’ll see more local ones, not just national ones.
A key question, as yet unanswered: What copyright license will be used for the output of this material. If it’s not Creative Commons, then it won’t have nearly as much value as it might.
on Apr 2nd, 2009 at 12:22 am
Spot.us is officially using Creative Commons with attribution and no derivatives.
And I agree – we need more experiments at the local level, not just the national.
“All politics is local” – I’m learning why this is true more and more all the time.