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Poor Ad Practice at

Every time I load a new page on the Washington Post’s website, the following pop-over ad interferes with my reading.

Picture 66

I keep clicking the X in the corner indicating my lack of interest in participating in the survey, but to no avail. This thing won’t leave me alone.

So I guess I’ll stay off the Post’s website until this obnoxious ad goes away, which I hope will be soon.

0 Comments on “Poor Ad Practice at”

  1. #1 NM
    on Nov 30th, 2008 at 1:31 pm

    This is the reason why I use AdBlock Plus. I hesitated for a while before installing it, since so many sites rely on advertising to live, but if they can’t be bothered to do something about obnoxious ads, well it’s their own damn fault.

  2. #2 Jon Garfunkel
    on Nov 30th, 2008 at 4:16 pm


    Online ads will succeed either by getting more targeted or obnoxious, or both. It has seemed sensible to me that newspapers can spare this for paying subscribers; this would also encourage more readers to get a “subscription” for online reading. I call this mechanism PaperTrust.


  3. #3 arthur
    on Dec 1st, 2008 at 10:11 am

    There is something much better than adblock-NOSCRIPT. It stops all scripts from running on the webpage. I haven’t seen a popup ad like that in ages after installing it in Firefox

  4. #4 Bradley J. Fikes
    on Dec 7th, 2008 at 11:12 am

    Scripts are sometimes desirable, so I prefer Adblock.

    I also use Flashblock, which gives you the option to view a Flash item by clicking on it.