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Posts from ‘September, 2008’

Malaysia Government Gets Hammered for Jailing Blogger

CNET: Blogger jailing backfires on Malaysian government | Politics and Law. If the Malaysian government had hoped that the recent detention of controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin would quell the country’s vociferous blogger community, it may need to look elsewhere.

Big Media, Still Missing the Point on Their Culpability in Financial Debacle

E&P: Wash Post’s Brauchli: Newspapers Warned Readers of Economic Crisis. “There were good stories throughout, good stories about the risks,” Brauchli added. “The truth is, there was always skeptical coverage by the major newspapers. The Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Financial Times, all have written about these issues. The scale of […]

It's Gambling, not Gaming, and the NY Times Gets That Right

In a long investigative piece on John McCain and the gambling industry – “For McCain and Team, a Host of Ties to Gambling” — the New York Times has done something noteworthy beyond excellent reporting. It doesn’t adopt the misleading word “gaming” that the gambling industry prefers to use in describing itself. Several people quoted […]

Blogger Libel Insurance

Citizen Media Law Project: New Insurance Program for Bloggers Offered by the Media Bloggers Association. The new insurance, which is currently available only to members of the Media Bloggers Association (MBA), provides coverage for defamation, invasion of privacy, and copyright infringement claims. Premiums start at $450 per year for $100,000/$300,000 in coverage ($100,000 per claim […]

Google Moderator Doesn't Advance the Genre

Google Moderator lets folks ask questions and vote on them. So do lots of other tools. The main thing that is interesting about this is that it comes from Google, which could give it critical mass in a hurry.

Knight News Challenge: Apply for Funding for Innovative Projects

Here’s the latest from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation (funder of some of our work) on its 21st Century News Challenge, a contest awarding as much as $5 million for innovative ideas using digital experiments to transform community news and information exchange. The deadline for applications is Nov. 1, 2008. With the […]

Blogosphere Today

Technorati: State of the Blogosphere 2008.

Economics Bloggers to the Rescue, if You Crave Useful Information

If you’ve been reading the traditional press to try to understand the financial meltdown of the past week and the government’s responses, you’ve probably become more confused than enlightened. This comes as no surprise, given the general ignorance of economics among so many journalists. They’re doubly burdened now, they’re confronting the typical (these days) lack […]

Financial Meltdown: Journalists Ignored the Early and Obvious Signs

Columbia Journalism Review: Boiler Room. It seems to me that well into Year II of the Panic, the business press is in the process of making the same mistake it made in the run-up to the debacle: focusing on esoteric Wall Street concerns and ignoring the simplest, most basic, but most important one—the breathtaking corruption […]

Double Standard in Olbermann-Matthews Downgrading

NBC has every right to take Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews out of their anchor chairs for political events. But there’s a bizarre double standard at work in much of the traditional media commentary on this. In the Washington Post, for example, Larry Grossman, former president of NBC News, is quoted as saying that MSNBC […]