Collaborative news site enlists student journalists.
Posts from ‘November, 2007’
New-Media Business in Minnesota Looks Quite Traditional has launched — and it’ll be a useful addition to the journalism scene in Minnesota’s Twin Cities. As far as I can tell, however, it has nearly zero to do with edge-in community journalism. Still, an interesting experiment and one to watch.
Citizen Journalism Tools in a Box
The folks at the Tactical Technology Collective are planning to release soon a “Citizen Journalism Toolkit” that will provide accessible and effective training materials on selected free software tools and web applications with a focus on giving people what they need to know in order to create and distribute content. The materials will cover print […]
Moving into New Arenas
This release was posted today at Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Here’s the top: Dan Gillmor, an internationally recognized author and leader in new media and citizen-based journalism, will be the founding director of the new Knight Center for Digital Media Entrepreneurship at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism […]
Thoughts on Google Phone?
Several of you have asked, but I’m still digesting the news. More later…
Newspaper Circulation Continues Fast Decline
The numbers are getting worse and worse, with a very few exceptions: FAS-FAX: Top 25 Daily and Sunday U.S. Newspapers. (Note: I own a small number of shares of two newspaper companies: New York Times and McClatchy.)
Digital Libraries
I’m at the Digital Library Federation’s Fall Forum in Philadelphia, giving a keynote talk this afternoon. These folks are doing important work to bring us into a digital future in ways that honor traditional library values and practices. They’ve asked me to talk about changes in journalism. I plan to implore them to focus part […]
Get the People to Take the Pictures Newspapers file suit against IHSA. The Illinois Press Association filed a lawsuit Thursday against the Illinois High School Association in an effort to overturn a rule that limits access to school sporting events and the use of photos taken at those events. Yes, the association’s action is obnoxious. But the best responses would take […]
Dissecting Financial, Buzz Impact of TimesSelect
Jon Garfunkel has done prodigious work in analyzing the impact of the now-abandoned pay model at the New York Times. The eight parts of “The TimesSelect Reader,” his report, are all worth reading. Key finding: Despite complaints from bloggers (including this one), the pay site did not begin to remove the Times columnists from the […]
Fox News Upbraided for Anti Fair Use Stance in Political Video
Talking Points Memo: Right-Wing Bloggers Launch Campaign — With MoveOn! — Against Fox News Over Debate Footage. A coalition of right-wing bloggers and MoveOn that helped force several networks to allow public use of their political debate footage last spring has just launched a similar campaign against Fox News. Good for all of them. Fox […]