Clark Hoyt, the paper’s public editor, notes the NY Times’ continuing publication of pieces by Henry Blodget, one of the Internet bubble’s most notorious characters. In “Taint by Association” Hoyt asks two key questions: One is whether The Times properly identifies Blodget when he writes for the paper. I don’t think so. His name was […]
Posts on ‘November 11th, 2007’
Email is Down
UPDATED If you’ve sent me email at my address in the past 36 hours or so, I haven’t seen it due to a server malfunction. We’re working on it. (I don’t think I’ve lost any mail…fingers crossed.) UPDATE: Mail is back up. Let me know if you sent me something in the past day […]
More About New Kinds of Online Debates
In this morning’s piece in the Boston Globe, reprinted below, is a suggestion for new kind of political debates that would: unfold online over the course of days, or even weeks and months. Imagine that one candidate takes a position and poses a question. The opponent would answer with a written response of some predetermined […]
Using Tech to Improve Political Debates
I have a piece in today’s Boston Globe called “Net gains” — some suggestions on how to improve politics in the digital age, specifically political debates. Here’s what the Globe ran. In this posting I amplify, as promised, on one part of what follows. On Thursday night, most of the Democratic presidential candidates will travel […]