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Posts from ‘September, 2007’

Massachusetts Blogger Breaking Major Stories

Boston Phoenix: House pest. The biggest political story in Massachusetts right now is the state’s ongoing dalliance with casino gambling — but the biggest scoops haven’t been coming from the Globe or the Herald. Their source, instead, has been Yarmouth resident Peter Kenney, a/k/a the “Great Gadfly,” a sexagenarian carpenter and public-access-cable star who writes […]

News Consumption by Voting

The Project for Excellence in Journalism has released a survey, “The Latest News Headlines—Your Vote Counts,” and asks: If someday we have a world without journalists, or at least without editors, what would the news agenda look like? How would citizens make up a front page differently than professional news people? If a new crop […]

Crocodile Tears from Wall Street Journal Editorial Page

UPDATED Observe “Trashing Petraeus,” an editorial in today’s Wall Street Journal. It weeps for the loss of civility in political discourse, pointing to a advertisement in yesterday’s New York Times and congressional Democrats’ silence about it as evidence that “the ability of the U.S. political system to function will be impaired in a way […]

Journalists Failure to Dispel Saddam-9/11 Myth is Media Scandal

Buried in this New York Times story is the following incredible finding from a new poll: Six in 10 Americans said in the poll that administration officials deliberately misled the public in making a case for the war; 33 percent of all Americans, including 40 percent of Republicans and 27 percent of Democrats, say Saddam […]

Quechup's Spam Tricks

Infoworld’s “Cringely” observes, regarding the nototious Quechup: When you sign up for the site it prompts you to share your address book so you can find out which of your 10,000 close personal friends is also trolling for dates on Quechup. But instead of presenting you with a list of friends, Quechup sends an invite […]

Apple's New iPod: Breakthrough

I wouldn’t go near an iPhone, but I might well buy an iPod touch. Apple isn’t getting nearly enough credit from journalists for this product. News-folk: You should be aiming at least some of what you produce at the screen on this WiFi enabled audio/video/Web machine. This is breakthrough territory, way beyond what the iPhone […]

More Paranoia About Photography in Public Places SU student questions VA security actions. A Syracuse University graduate student taking photographs outside the VA Medical Center says she was questioned and ordered to delete several images by hospital security officers Thursday afternoon. Mariam Jukaku, 24, of Michigan, said the officers also photocopied her university ID and driver’s license and asked if she […]

Email for Site is Down

If you’re trying to reach me via my email address, we are having major problems. I don’t have an ETA for when email will be working again, so please be patient.

Apple to Early iPhone Adopters: You're Suckers

UPDATED I was among the skeptics about the iPhone, and advised people to wait for version 2.0 — for a phone that was much better than this one and not tied to AT&T as the sole network. So I’m wondering why Apple’s huge price cut yesterday is such a surprise. There were reports that sales […]

Interview Answers that Beg for a Follow-Up

CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo interviewed Angelo Mozilo, CEO of Countrywide, the huge mortgage and financial company whose stock has been taking a beating as the housing bubble has started to deflate. He’s been selling enormous amounts of stock in the last year, making about $129 million, or about a third of the $406 million he’s collected […]