Editor & Publisher’s headline is “Newspaper Legends Fire Away at Murdoch-Dow Jones Editorial Plan,” but it quotes at least one serious journalist saying people shouldn’t assume the worst.
Assume the worst. Murdoch, who is now very likely to own Dow Jones, has a long and extremely clear history. The “agreement” he’s made to assure editorial quality is absurd on its face. He will muck with the paper, and he will have a right to — because he’ll be the owner.
The Bancroft family wanted more money. That’s their right. No one else stepped up to buy the paper. That’s their right.
Journalism will be poorer if this deal takes place. And it seems it will.
on Jun 29th, 2007 at 4:28 am
One thing that may happen is that the NY Times will have some competition, which might force them to get better. Please read my post “Murdoch has been bringing back the lost art of market segmentation to news. And this time, it may be about the Times.” at thefutureofnews.com.