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Posts on ‘June 18th, 2007’

Dell Tells Site to Take Down Posting, Then Admits Goof

Well, Dell Computer is learning about the web. See the confession at Consumerist, in which the company admits its mistake in demanding that the site take down a posting about its kiosk sales operation. Some things do change.

News Orgs: Create and link did a nice job covering last week’s conference in London, including this posting about a talk I gave there.

Job Available at U-Maryland J-Lab

The Institute for Interactive Journalism at the University of Maryland’s Philip Merrill College of Journalism is looking to fill the new position of Assistant Director, a key position in a small grant-funded center. The Assistant Director will work closely with the Executive Director in producing all of the center’s training activities, editing and writing for […]

A Better Potential Bidder for Dow Jones

UPDATED NY Times: G.E. and Pearson Are Said to Study Bid for Dow Jones. The General Electric Company, the parent of NBC, and Pearson, the publisher of The Financial Times, are exploring a joint bid for Dow Jones & Company to rival an offer made by the News Corporation, people familiar with the talks said […]