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Posts on ‘April 24th, 2007’

Interviews, Email or Live

UPDATED Wired News calls Jason Calacanis “cowardly” for refusing to do an interview except by email. Pretty thin-skinned response to Jason’s fuller explanation of why that’s his policy. Updates: Wired’s Fred Vogelstein posts the entire email exchange he had with Jason on this topic. (Fred didn’t write the item to which I linked above.) Also, […]

Consulting the Viewer with TV News

Dave Winer has created a smart mockup of what he calls MSNBC-of-the-Future. The viewers can use checkboxes to say what they’re interested in seeing covered, and what they’re not interested in seeing covered. (Update: Dave gets lots of responses.) Audience feedback is a fine idea. Until then I use a different kind of checkbox: the […]

David Halberstam, R.I.P.

David Halberstam, who died Monday in a Bay Area car crash, was one of the great journalists of his generation and an inspiration to countless people, including me, who later took up the craft.