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Posts from ‘December, 2006’

China Blogs and Journalist Views

Rebecca MacKinnon has compiled a thorough and fascinating study of foreign correspondents’ views in China of the blog scene there — “Blogs and China correspondence.” Most interestingly, she says in an email: people generally found the question comparing “reliability” of blogs vs. msm to be completely beside the point.

Mapping Human Rights Violations

To creat the Tunisian Prison Map, Sami Ben Gharbia “pulled data from Human Rights NGOs report as well as a temporary list of Tunisian prisons prepared by Tsar Boris on TUNeZINE website.” Brilliant use of mashups, in a worthy cause.

Media Bloggers Relaunch

The Media Bloggers Association‘s Bob Cox has relaunched a website for the organization he founded and runs. Lots of interesting new ideas here. Bob is among the people who are working hard to improve citizen media.

Legal Weirdness: Newspaper Owner Sues Journalist

Editor & Publisher reports that Wendy McCaw, the eccentric owner of the Santa Barbara (California) News-Press, isn’t just presiding over the meltdown of a newspaper. She’s suing a freelance journalist who wrote about her activities, claiming an American Journalism Review article was defamatory. Needless to say, people familiar with journalism and the First Amendment are […]

One More Reason the Newspaper Business is in Such Trouble

UPDATED SimplyHeadlines delivers headlines to mobile devices. It’s an obvious and useful tool. Knight Ridder, the company I used to work for, registered the domain in 1998 — and proceeded to do nothing with it. UPDATE: Mark Potts tells me: “Knight Ridder didn’t register in 1998 — they got it as part of […]

Digg's Bigger Tool Set

Digg has new features: a video by co-founder Kevin Rose explains some of it.

Continued Baby Steps at the NY Times

The New York Times “public editor” writes of the paper’s tentative steps into having journalists speak directly with the readers: There should be even greater reader interaction ahead. Mr. Landman told me in September that further interactive features are being contemplated. One possible feature he mentioned: allowing readers to comment on every story on the […]

Us, not You

UPDATED It’s fitting, and somewhat overdue, that Time Magazine’s person of the year is “You” — as in all of us. Don’t get me wrong here. The cover story and the supporting articles are a terrific bunch of pieces. They capture well what has been happening for the past few years in the democratization of […]

Site Problems…

UPDATED You may have noticed that our home page was going to a blog deep inside the site, as opposed to the regular page. UPDATE: We’ve got part of that fixed, but are still having other difficulties… Also, if you posted a comment in the past day it may have been lost due to another […]

Peak Blogging, Kind of Like Peak Oil

The sometimes correct prediction-makers at Gartner suggest that blogging will peak in 2007, AP reports: Could blogging be near the peak of its popularity? The technology gurus at Gartner Inc. believe so. One of the research company’s top 10 predictions for 2007 is that the number of bloggers will level off in the first half […]