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Election Day In America Through The Eyes of Placebloggers

Today I showed to a crowd at the Berkman Center for the Internet and Society along with Dan Gillmor, which David Weinberger was kind enough to give a very thorough writeup to. As soon as polls close this evening, Placeblogger will enter a limited alpha, and if you’re interested in browsing placeblogs nationwide, you can sign up at Placeblogger.

But I don’t want to wait to show you what’s going on. I’ve been watching the feeds scroll by at leading up to and during Election Day today, and it’s amazing. Here’s a small sample:

Albany Eye: “Can a Voter Get a Table Dance?”

Cincinnati Beacon: “Tuesday Morning Disenfranchisement:The Ballots Are Already Screwed Up In Kennedy Heights”

Baristanet: “Montclair’s own Eric Blumrich, a freelance animator and web developer, is a web star for his mashup parody of Conrad Burns and the Vonage incident.”

Milwaukee Rising — “Received this today…. I’m assuming the letter is genuine, even though it wasn’t signed. Nothing like a little intimidation and supression effort to squelch a rising controversy, eh?: Recently you have been publishing on the internet and other places a series of defamatory statements about State Senator Tom Reynolds. You are accusing Mr. Reynolds of using his campaign fund for personal utility bills.”

Bluffton Today: “I have a secret to tell. I’m 41 years old and this year – 2006 – is the first time in my life that I’ve ever voted.”

LAist: “You really should vote tomor OMG A BUNNY!@” They’re giving out CDs to voters who can sustain attention on the task at hand — voting.

BrewedFreshDaily, Cleveland, OH, gets an email from an election observer: “Cuyahoga County is filing criminal charges against me because I asked some volunteers for the Vote Count Protection Project to call some of the Election Day Technicians, and ask them if they would be willing to write down some of the Voting Unit election results on a data-collection form, to used for vote-count verification purposes…If you would like to support me tomorrow as they throw the book at me—they said I was being charged with criminal “obstruction of business”, ORC 2921.31—please come to the Cuyahoga Board of Elections at 1:30pm. Thanks so much, Victoria Lovegren.”

Arch City Chronicle, St. Louis, MO: No Cloning group has 1000 vollunteers at Polling Places

Mike’s Bake Sale via AustinBloggers: “The Affordable Housing Bond Is Stupid — How about we don’t blow up the village to save it?”

Austinist: “If you vote for Rick Perry, and you’re not a Christian, you’re going to hell. At least according to the coiffed Governor of Texas.”

Blog Chelsea (NYC): “It’s mid-terms, who has time to pay attention to, say, the state assembly race? (Actually it looks like it doesn’t matter, Gottfried is running uncontested.) So here’s your cheat sheet.”

Live from Silver City is going to take to the airwaves: “Tomorrow night I’ll once again host live election coverage on Community Access Television of Silver City.”

Fire Ant Review, Midland, TX: “Oh, what the heck. No sense burning up the county’s bandwidth. Here’s the list of polling places by precinct.”

Blog Decatur, Decatur, IL: I can understand why they gave Judy Barr-Topinka $10,000….She’s got an opponent. But why did Walmart give Frank Watson $7,000?”

Boise Guardian: “I cannot fault Skyline for trying to get the best tax deal possible. However, the agricultural exemption is one of the state’s few tools for helping preserve prime agricultural land from the march of urban sprawl. In this case it has been turned on its head and is being used to subsidize a developer–the exact opposite of what it was designed to do.”

Burnt Orange Report: “The useless partisan hack running the Secretary of State’s office has finally posted the November 3 early voting totals, and it looks like the early vote will be up only slightly, but with a few isolated areas of note.”

Coastsider: “The debate about Coastside fire protection has gotten more than a little out of hand. The knives are out, literally – after one public meeting, the acting fire chief had two of his tires slashed.”

Coconut Grove Grapevine: “The trial of suspended Miami commissioner Johnny Winton was scheduled for today, Nov. 6, ironically, one day before a special election to find his replacement.”

Westport Now, Westport, CT: ““The Battle of the Huggers” is how I labeled Connecticut’s 4th District Congressional race between two highly popular public servants…Well, boy, do I ever take that back.”

The Forum, Deerfield, NH: “The Election Is Not Over On November 7th.”

Hoboken411: “More information, plus see the updated budget that was difficult to obtain…Although the Hoboken Municipal Hospital Authority followed the state’s Sunshine Law for one meeting on Oct 25…

IlliniPundit:”A commenter wondered how aggressive I’d be after the election investigating the mold issue. I can assure you that I’ll keep up the fight.”

New Haven Independent: “One day before Tuesday’s election, Fair Haven aldermanic candidate Evelyn DeJesus-Vargas (pictured) showed up in court to make a last-minute attempt to knock her opponent off the ballot.”

Peoria Pundit: “The big issue in Pekin is a referendum on the consolidation of Pekin school districts 303 and 108.”

Redbank Green, Redbank, NJ: “How close is next week’s mayoral election in Red Bank looking? Well, there are no polls that we know of. So redbankgreen devised its own measure.We call it the Electometer, a count of yard signs touting the candidates.

River City Rapids: “In case you have not seen them and can’t make up your mind whom to vote for (or are waffling) if you live in the First District, check out the questions and answers we asked of the candidates .”

2 Comments on “Election Day In America Through The Eyes of Placebloggers”

  1. #1 PlaceBlogger « Atrium - Media e Cidadania
    on Nov 8th, 2006 at 2:33 am

    […] Cheguei à informação através do CitBlog / uma outra leitura no Joho. […]

  2. #2 Heather Brandon
    on Nov 8th, 2006 at 5:50 am

    How do we sign up for Placeblogger’s limited alpha? Sounds great….