Who’s writing the hilarious fake blog, “The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs, Aged 51 1/2?”
Posts from ‘August, 2006’
Private Communications: One More Reason Why Reporters Need to Be More Tech Savvy
The time has come, plainly, for journalists to start getting savvy about the use of technology for secure communications.
Text, Voice Combo Creates Powerful Journalism
In Vanity Fair, Michael Bronner has produced a tour-de-force, “9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes,” a dramatic reconstruction, based on newly released audio tapes, of how military and civilian authorities responded during the 2001 attacks. (Among other findings, Bronner makes clear that the military and White House dissembled like crazy in the aftermath.) He’s combined terrific […]
Shooting Straw Men, Again, in Journos v Bloggers 'Debate'
Nicholas Lemann, dean at Columbia University’s journalism school, takes to the pages of the New Yorker to rehash the same old bloggers-v-journalists straw man, contributing practically nothing to this long-tired conversation, though he does come up with some interesting items from journalism history. The best responses: Steven Johnson, tired of this, too, briefly offers “Five […]
Citizen Media UnConference: Ethan Zuckerman
Here’s his introduction to the unconference session he’ll run next Monday, entitled “Above the Noise“.
Real Estate Bubble 2.0
The Real Estate Bubble Map is exactly the kind of thing I think Web mashups can do best.
Citizen Journalism Un-Conference: Steve Garfield
Steve Garfield, a great videoblogger, will lead a session at next Monday’s Citizen Journalism Un-Conference. Here’s his summary of what we’ll discuss.
Criminalizing Photography
The police want to stop photography in public places; we need to resist.
Net Increases Velocity of Gibson's Downfall
Mel Gibson’s problems were accelerated by the Net.
Newspapers and Section Front Advertising
The LA Times editors are in a tizzy about the prospect of advertising on their section fronts. Apparently they don’t read their own website.