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Posts from ‘August, 2006’

Saving Lives with Better Communications

I’m on my way to San Diego to participate in Strong Angel III: week-long demonstration will consist of a series of collaborative technical and non-technical experiments based on both lessons learned in past disasters and on emerging requirements for integrated operations. They are designed to test the interoperability, reliability, and flexibility of proposed social and […]

Legal Support for Citizen Journalist

The California First Amendment Coalition has joined other supporters of journalism in filing a legal brief on behalf of Josh Wolf. He’s in jail for contempt of court, because he refused to hand over to the federal government out-takes of footage he shot at a street demonstration in San Francisco. While Wolf’s sympathies may well […]

How to Get Lots of Blog Notice

Nick Carr has it down. Flog the blogosphere for being unegalitarian and the alleged “A List’s” alleged unwillingness to point to other people. Then wait for all the pointers.

5500 Campanile Drive

I’ll tell you more later, but I’m using this posting to create a Technorati tag for a project I’m involved with next week. strongangel3

Future of Video Lies in Open Networks

The annual Aspen Institute Conference on Communications Policy starts today, and I’m participating. The basic mission is to take note of huge changes in the way video will move around the world in coming years, and then consider how to create “a regulatory regime appropriate to the new world of video.” Needless to say, one […]

Citizen Journalism mini-documentary now available online

Cambridge Community Television (CCTV) of Cambridge, MA, has released the final version of their 15 minute short on citizen journalism online. It’s called “Citizen Journalism: From Pamphlet to Blog,” and it features interviews with Ethan Zuckerman of Global Voices, videoblogger extraordinare Steve Garfield, and many others. I was interviewed by Jason Crow with help from […]

Podcast: Conversation with Travis Henry of

Special to AudioBerkman : This podcast from the Center for Citizen Media features a conversation with Travis Henry of Yourhub allows residents of the Front Range region of Colorado to sign up to post their own news items and photos. Travis also touches on efforts to syndicate the technology that powers Yourhub to other […]

New Collaboration: Cyberlaw and Citizen Media

Also posted at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society: If citizen journalism is to become a valuable part of the media ecosystem, citizen journalists will need help in navigating increasingly choppy legal waters — and the legal community will need better information on what’s happening in the citizen media arena as well. Those are […]

A Citizen Journalist's Images

Now the image I’m linking to here from the Flickr site, and the others in the sequence, aren’t earth-shaking. But they are the kinds of things that newspaper photographers feel fortunate to capture occasionally. In this case, a man named David Newberger happened to be on the spot — in Tulsa on a business trip […]

Cit-J Project Aim: Expose What Congress Wants to Hide

A group of organizations from the political left and right, including a media company, has launched a highly worthwhile project to expose the origin of earmarks — little (and not so little) spending items in legislation designed as a special favor to a district, campaign contributor and/or politician. The idea is that the public will […]