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Posts from ‘August, 2006’

Figuring Out Future of News

David Weinberger is taking great notes at FooCamp, now in a session on the “Future of news” — lots of interesting ideas from folks at Digg, NewsVine and elsewhere.

From One Mashup to Another

Coming off the incredible Strong Angel III, I’m heading today to Sebastopol for the annual FooCamp, another kind of human and technological mashup. My brain is overwhelmed…

A Small Experiment with SMS

From Strong Angel III: This image (click on it, or here, for larger view) is a very low-tech proof of a concept: turning SMS messages into news flow. With the help of people from several companies, including Mitre, and Google, we’ve created a small demonstration of how citizen journalists could create location- and time-based […]

Strong Angel Blogging

If any of this interests you, check out ICT for Peacebuilding. Great summaries of what’s going on.

A Strong Angel Communication Story

Michael Helfrich spent the day at the beach yesterday, but it wasn’t for getting a tan. He’s part of the Strong Angel project and reports on his blog: The kinks are being worked out for how the Mission Beach data is assimilated in the EOC, but is especially gratifying to see the speed in which […]

This is a Joke, Right?

The New York Times Names Chandler Burr as Its First-Ever Perfume Critic.

Strong Angel: Lab for Citizen Media and Much More

I’ve been in San Diego this week at something called Strong Angel III, a project/demonstration/exercise designed to improve responses to emergencies and catastrophes, both those which are natural and caused by humans. Several hundred smart folks looking at technology and its applications in this kind of situation, and as with the last Strong Angel exercise […]

Citizen Journalism's Many Forms

Chris Anderson at Columbia University looks at various kinds of citizen journalism. Part I, Part II.

News on Mobile Devices

Dave Winer is excited by the ability of mobile devices to show news, and has created a service to show the NY Times on a Blackberry. Great stuff. I’ve been reading news on my Treo for some time, using the RSS reader HandRSS (now QuickNews). What Dave has done looks easier for users, and therefore […]

Better Communications in Anarchy

At the Strong Angel III demonstration in San Diego, where lots of folks are testing “the interoperability, reliability, and flexibility of proposed social and technical solutions” in disaster recovery, there’s been a serious breakdown of communications, at least wireless data using WiFi. A classic tragedy of the commons, which I’ll describe more when the network […]