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Editors Curators?

Craig Newmark is intrigued by the idea of editors as “curators” of new journalism. Sound pretty high-brow, but the concept has some resonance. What happens, though, when the audience collectively does its own selection? Is that mass curator-ship?

(Note: Craig is an advisor and supporter of this center.)

3 Comments on “Editors Curators?”

  1. #1 Mike Orren
    on Aug 14th, 2006 at 8:28 pm

    Interesting concept. We’ve had a job posting up for a “curator-in-chief” for over a year. Haven’t found the right one yet, but when you don’t pay salaries, you’re pretty selective 😉

  2. #2 Jon Garfunkel
    on Aug 14th, 2006 at 9:11 pm

    Dan, why is Criag Newmark the subject of your lede rather than the promulgator of the term– NYT publisher Arthur Sulzberger?

    It’s not a particular interesting point to me; he is not doing a disambiguation or combination of terms. He’s making an analogy, but I can’t see this as news to anyone familiar with journalism.

    mass-curatorship, mass-editorship — neither word really jumps out.

  3. #3 Manuel Pereira da Silva
    on Aug 17th, 2006 at 9:18 am


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    This website is dedicated to the artwork of the sculptor Manuel Pereira da Silva.

    Best Regards,

    Pedro Nunes