The network and its affiliate, at a PR event for the new evening news anchor person (dubbed “Couric’s Twin Cities visit a well-oiled machine” by the Minneapolis Star Tribune), didn’t allow actual reporting and felt threatened by a blogger:
Matt Bartel, owner of the popular MNSpeak blog also was issued an invitation by WCCO, although the station apparently didn’t recognize the name Bartel (ubiquitous in Twin Cities publishing circles) or his business, until the event was about to start.
“They pulled me out of the auditorium and told me that they’d become aware of the fact that I had a blog,” Bartel said. “They said, ‘We don’t want you to participate,’ ” then offered him a choice: surrender his notebook or leave the event.
CBS, get a clue. Someday.
on Jul 13th, 2006 at 9:02 pm
[…] CBS Still Doesn’t Get It. CBS tosses a PR event for its evening news program and tosses out the journalists. […]