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Posts on ‘July 6th, 2006’

Proof that College Students Are Not Stupid

Wall Street Journal: Free, Legal and Ignored. As a student at Cornell University, Angelo Petrigh had access to free online music via a legal music-downloading service his school provided. Yet the 21-year-old still turned to illegal file-sharing programs. The reason: While Cornell’s online music program, through Napster, gave him and other students free, legal downloads, […]

Citizen Media Highlights Apparent Plagiarism

The postings in TPMmuckraker’s Ann Coulter Archives lead to various articles and other evidence that her rancid writings aren’t always her own words, and the site is looking for more examples that it plans to publish soon. I have many objections to her work — such as her too-frequently lack of accuracy and fairness — […]

Campaign Information Resource Forming

From Jimmy Wales’ Mission Statement of the Central Campaign Wikia: This website, Campaigns Wikia, has the goal of bringing together people from diverse political perspectives who may not share much else, but who share the idea that they would rather see democratic politics be about engaging with the serious ideas of intelligent opponents, about activating […]