I’ll be visiting the Thursday Meetings session of the Berkman Bloggers group. That’s tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School. (Directions)
Posts from ‘May, 2006’
Language Abuse
The Washington Post’s Richard Cohen wrote a column saying (incorrectly, I believe) Stephen Colbert wasn’t funny in his lampooning of the president at the ridiculous White House Correspondents Dinner. Cohen got inundated with emails, a significant number of which apparently came from utter jerks. In a follow-up column, he wrote how the rank hatred from […]
Comment Spam Attack
If you have tried to post a comment here for the first time in the past several days, it may have been lost in the wave of comment spams from the slime who work so hard to ruin every online medium they touch. It appears that WordPress blogs are particularly under attack from these bottom-feeders […]
Citizen Media Awards
Just a heads-up that we’re in the process of creating a Citizen Media Award program. I’ve been working on this for a while, and have several potential sponsors. These awards will be quite different from the just-announced cool program over at the Press Gazette in the United Kingdom, where they’ve teamed up with mobile phone […]
An Advertising Marketplace for the Web Era
Jeff Jarvis proposes the open ad marketplace, “that would allow advertisers to find the best blogs and bloggers to find the best ad deals.” I will quibble on several details in an upcoming post, but overall this could be an important move toward a democratized media future. Read it all.
Business Press, Blogs, Independence and Quality
I’m at the spring meeting of American Business Media, the major trade group for media organizations whose journalism is aimed at business audiences, notably the business-to-business crowd. The companies include giants like McGraw Hill, technology maven IDG and many others. This is an executive crowd, by and large, not the editorial folks. At today’s lunch, […]
Sharing Our Reading Lists
Dave Winer’s new service, Share Your OPML, is going to make big waves in coming months and years. OPML is a format that describes the RSS feeds you’re currently reading. It’s essentially a reading list, but one that can be used in a variety of ways — and shared from machine to machine. Dave was […]
Learn from the Hat Tip
How apt. A Financial Times editorial appeared on the last day of the WeMedia conference (“Excuse me while I borrow liberally“) commenting on how the mainstream media should learn from bloggers to show attribution for ideas and provide transparency. While observing the recent cases of high-profile plagiarism, Tim Harford considers something bloggers have done well: […]
Ad Agency Drops Suit Against Maine Blogger
Lance Dutson, a Maine blogger who has gone after a state tourism agency and its advertising contractor, found himself at the wrong end of a legal gun barrel when the contractor, an ad agency, filed a libel suit that looked from here like raw intimidation. He fought back, with a lot of help, and now […]
More Bloggers versus Journalists, Sigh
I missed the first day of the We Media conference in London, but Mark Glaser reports (and other participants on the second day confirmed to me) that there was a lot of same old stuff about bloggers versus mainstream. What a shame, and a waste of time. The second day was, from all accounts, more […]