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Posts from ‘May, 2006’

Another Ally for Net Neutrality

Roberta Combs, president of the Christian Coalition of America: We urge Congress to move aggressively to save the Internet — and allow ideas rather than money to control what Americans can access on the World Wide Web. We urge all Americans to contact their Congressmen and Senators and tell them to save the Internet and […]

Citizen Journalism 'Un-Conference' August 7

Mark your calendar: On Monday, August 7, we’ll be holding a one-day Citizen Journalism meeting at the Berkman Center at Harvard Law School. This will take place the day after Wikimania ends (same location), and we hope to get some crossover from our two gatherings. Our gathering will be in the “unconference” style — that […]

Standards, Blogs and Rumors

Wall Street Journal: Rove’s Camp Takes Center of Web Storm. With more people turning to the Internet for news, bloggers have blurred the lines with traditional media and changed both the dynamics of the reporting process and how political rumors swirl. The Journal’s story raises some good issues, especially the question of whether putting stuff […]

Supporting the First Amendment

I’m pleased to say that I’ve joined the board of the California First Amendment Coalition, which defends our right to speak out for what we believe, and for the public’s right to know what government does with our money and in our names. Note that this is the people’s right, not just the media’s. As […]

Future in Review

I’m in San Diego to attend the conference named in the title of this posting. It’s held by Mark Anderson, who operates the highly regarded Strategic News Service and is one of the major brains I encountered in my years covering technology. I’ll be on a panel about the future of news with Dave Winer, […]

Police Blogging

The LAPD Blog (at the Los Angeles Police Department) hopes to maintain an open dialogue with the communites we serve and those who have an interest in the men and women of this organization. We encourage you to express your opinions about current events through respectful and insightful discussion. This will be an experiment worth […]

Comment Spammer Not Sufficiently Clever

Our comment spam filter is smart enough to have flagged the following item: There are so many reasons for nonprofits to blog that it’s hard to boil them down to a few, but you’ve done a great job. The key to all of them — the nugget of information I think all nonprofits should take […]

Beyond Broadcast

Beyond Broadcast 2006: Reinventing Public Media in a Participatory Culture has begun at the Berkman Center, and we’re hearing from some extraordinarily smart folks. Lots of blogging going on. Here are Flickr pictures tagged with BeyondBroadcast.

Bringing the Pulitzers into the Web Era

Editor & Publisher: Incoming Pulitzer Chair Steiger Wants More Web In Awards. Paul Steiger, the incoming chair of the Pulitzer Prize Board, wants the prestigious awards to delve even more in to Web-based journalism, calling it “the biggest priority for us.” This is just common sense, but how they’ll do it will be interesting because […]

The New Media World According to Emerson

Chris Lydon: An Emersonian transformation under way. The Sage of Concord said: Forsake the authorities and follow the gleam of light flashing across your own mind from within! And now: Blog it! It is a great Emersonian transformation and liberation that’s under way in the public conversation. Or so it seems to one recovering child […]