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It's Everyone's Media, and It's Global

At the We Media conference in London after two amazing days in Berlin (more below), there are more people wearing ties in this room than at a similar event in New York last year. There are plenty of people blogging this gathering, so I won’t.

In Berlin I worked with 15 journalists from the developing world, from Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Moldova, Nigeria, Serbia, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. They were mostly young, and all extraordinarily motivated and eager not just to listen but to discuss.

One thing we did was to create WordPress blogs from scratch. The organization that sponsored my trip, Inwent, created separate databases for each of them on an internal server. Then we downloaded WordPress and installed it in each of their online spaces. It took only a couple of hours for them to be configuring their sites in many different ways, using the tools available for this, and I expect that at least a few of them will be creating blogs when they get home.

2 Comments on “It's Everyone's Media, and It's Global”

  1. #1 Paul Jones
    on May 4th, 2006 at 3:31 am

    These folks might want to try out Lyceum, a single install multi-blog build on WordPress. Open Source. Free download. Open for testing now.

  2. #2 Dan Gillmor
    on May 4th, 2006 at 5:43 am

    Paul, thanks for this. I’d be interested in playing with it myself…