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Posts on ‘April 19th, 2006’

Pulitzer-Lite? Bad Idea

Alan Mutter: Leveling the Pulitzer playing field. In an age of increasingly asymmetrical journalism, it’s time to create a two-tier system for awarding Pulitzer Prizes. The system is clearly stacked in favor of the bi-coastal Big Newspaper crowd, but so what? They’re doing the best journalism. Create new awards. Don’t create Pulitzer Lite.

Blogging and Making Money

On the Wall Street Journal site, Jason Calacanis (co-founder of Weblogs Inc.) and Alan Meckler (CEO of Jupitermedia Inc.) debate a topic on more and more minds: “Can Bloggers Make Money?“

Taking Ambush Interviews a Step Further

Ambush TV calls itself the newest and most aggressive effort yet to provide citizens with cutting-edge tools to hold Congress and other national officials accountable to the people. Forget the media. This is all about wedia – people like you and me taking control to draw the attention of elected officials and the public to […]