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Posts on ‘April 16th, 2006’

Missing the Point, Redux

Bertrand Pecquerie, in a guess blog posting on (I’m doing one later this week), sums up: In the U.S., people blog but they don’t vote. Virtual democracy doesn’t seem to have any affect on real democracy. In Europe, we vote (last week’s elections in Italy, for instance, had an 83% voter turnout), but we […]

Berkman Center (Harvard) Workshop, Conversation This Week

I’ll be giving the third in a series of talks/conversations — this time will be much more in the seminar style than the previous events — at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet & Society. It’ll be Wednesday evening at the center, starting at 7 p.m. There will be beverages and dessert-type munchies. If […]

Vlogging Conference, San Francisco, in June

I’m planning to attend Vloggercon in San Francisco this June. The organizers call this gathering the intersection between media-makers and technology. A space for dialog and interaction. Of creation and collaboration. A media village born on the internet, and making camp for one weekend in San Francisco. See (some of) you there…