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NBC Dateline Shreds Ethical Boundaries

Washington Post: NBC newsmagazine paid pedophile watchdog group to run sting. The NBC newsmagazine “Dateline” agreed to pay a civilian watchdog group more than $100,000 to create a pedophile sting operation that the network plans to feature in a series of programs next month, network representatives and the organization’s founder said.

People at NBC and General Electric, the network’s owner, should lose their jobs over this slimy, money-grubbing activity. But I doubt they will, which will tell us a great deal about the company’s ethics.

1 Comment on “NBC Dateline Shreds Ethical Boundaries”

  1. #1 Gary Goldhammer
    on Apr 9th, 2006 at 1:13 pm

    I’m not a lawyer (being a journalist and now communcations consultant is bad enough for my self-image), but isn’t that tantamount to entrapment? At best, it is manufacturing news for the sake of May ratings sweeps, which is no better than the government paying to produce fake news stories.