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New Project: How are Traditional Media Engaging?

The Center for Citizen Media is going to be looking hard at the current state of the art in grassroots content. Over time, we aim to look broadly and deeply at who’s getting into it and why.

As part of that research, of the first things we’re going to examine closely is what traditional media organizations are doing — beyond staff-created blogs and podcasts — to truly involve their audiences in the journalism process. We’ll be posting more details about this survey, including a request for your ideas on how we can best accomplish our goals, next week.

Craig Newmark, a member of the Center’s Board of Advisors, has made a donation to jump-start the project. This will help us pay for some Web development and student-researcher work. We’re delighted, and grateful.

3 Comments on “New Project: How are Traditional Media Engaging?”

  1. #1 Steve Outing » Gillmor’s .org to examine citizen media progress of MSM
    on Apr 7th, 2006 at 11:29 am

    […] Sounds like things are starting to move at Dan Gillmor’s new Center for Citizen Media. (Disclosure: I’m on its advisory board.) Gillmor posted a note to the Center’s blog today announcing that the organization is about to begin some research that will closely examine what traditional media organizations are doing — “beyond staff-created blogs and podcasts” — to directly involve the audience in the journalism process. Gillmor says he’ll post more details of the research next week. […]

  2. #2 NextNews » Craig’s List founder funds CJ research
    on Apr 8th, 2006 at 3:12 pm

    […] The Center for Citizen Media is undertaking an in-depth look at how MSM is embracing Citizen Journalism, particularly those outlets that truly engage their audiences.  Craig Newmark is writing the check.  New Project: How are Traditional Media Engaging? | Center for Citizen Media: Blog […]

  3. #3 Traditional Media Organizations Involve Audience: Survey Ideas Requested | Center for Citizen Media: Blog
    on Apr 10th, 2006 at 3:48 pm

    […] As noted last Friday, we’re going to look deeply into what traditional news organizations are doing to engage their communities (of interest and/or geography) in the journalism process. Here’s an outline, prepared in large part by Olivia Ma at Harvard University, of how we propose to look at this. […]