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Posts from ‘March, 2006’

Another Thought on Huffington-Clooney Fracas

The fists haven’t stopped flying over the Huffington Post’s bad move in reprinting George Clooney’s statements in other venues as blog postings, and Arianna Huffington’s mea culpa is not placating the critics. The more I learn about what happened, the more I agree that this was an egregiously bad move on her part. It all […]

The Daily Me(s)

Mark Glaser: Digging Deeper::Your Guide to Personalized News Sites. The perfect Daily Me would be the central place that has the news, blogs, discussions, podcasts — everything we want that’s tailored to our particular tastes — in one convenient place. While many sites have tried to reach this ideal, no one site has totally perfected […]

Future of Newspapers Conversation March 30

Dan Gillmor will be joining a discussion on Future of Newspapers next Thursday, March 30, in San Jose. It’s a Commonwealth Club event, and it’s in the evening at the public library. Details here.

Department of Irony

Am I the only one who’s bemused that the easiest way to find Georgie Anne Geyer’s commentary, “Without Newspapers, Americans Can’t Understand the World,” is on the Yahoo News site?

New Media Teaching/Research Gig

The University of Hong Kong’s Journalism & Media Studies Centre, the first higher-ed program to have students do blogs, is looking for someone to run the New Media program. Here’s the official posting of the position. Each year since 1999 (except last year), I’ve taught in the new-media program part-time. HKU is a terrific school, […]

Huffington Finally Gets It

Arianna Huffington: Lesson Learned. At the beginning of the week, I was so focused on making it crystal clear that we did indeed have permission to run the Clooney blog that I was blinded to another extremely important issue: that a blog, where the source of the material is not clear, diminishes the amazing work […]

"New Media Paradox"?

The L.A. Times picked up on an interesting thread from the State of the News Media 2006 report, released last week. L.A. Times: A “new paradox of journalism” has emerged in which the number of news outlets continues to grow, yet the number of stories covered and the depth of many reports is decreasing, according […]

Saving the Mercury News: Tomorrow's Journalism

Over at my blog on Bayosphere, I propose that Yahoo could help save the San Jose Mercury News.

Web Services for Education

Bryan Alexander: Web 2.0: A New Wave of Innovation for Teaching and Learning?

Judith Miller, 'Martyr' to the Web

Slate’s Jack Shafer shreds “Judith Miller’s New Excuse” for her well-deserved comeuppance, in which she blames bloggers for (in her view) unfairly tarring her shabby (my word) journalism in the run-up to the Iraq war. Note: Miller’s former boss, Bill Keller, all but calls her a liar in the Esquire piece Shafer cites. And Shafer […]