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Posts on ‘February 1st, 2006’

News, Journalism or Both

Rich Skrenta: News 2.0 is not Journalism. The quality of journalistic output today is, for the most part really really good. In fact it’s too good. The product costs a huge amount to bring to market, and what the Internet enables is a an alternative product built for zero, and providing a different value proposition. […]

Defining Freedom, Defending Responsibility in Media

I’m at the second Al Jazeera forum in Doha, the base of operations of the Arabic news broadcaster that is about to launch an international network in competition with CNN, BBC and others. Later today, I’m speaking on a panel about blogs and other grassroots media. My Berkman Center colleague, Ethan Zuckerman, another speaker here, […]

Biting the Hand that Feeds?

Reuters: Newspapers take aim at Google in copyright dispute. The Paris-based World Association of Newspapers, whose members include dozens of national newspaper trade bodies, said it is exploring ways to “challenge the exploitation of content by search engines without fair compensation to copyright owners.” At the association’s annual meeting last year in Seoul, one of […]

Why We Still Need Big Media

The San Jose Mercury News’ recent series, “Tainted Trials, Stolen Justice,” is a brilliant and powerful demonstration of what Big Media do at the very finest. Rick Tulsky and his colleagues at the Mercury News should be enormously proud of their accomplishment. It should lead to some serious reforms in a criminal justice system that […]