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Posts on ‘January 12th, 2006’

The Conversations Network

The Conversations Network is “a non-profit online publisher of recordings of spoken-word events.” It’s the brainchild primarily of Doug Kaye, whose IT Conversations site has become a must-listen for people who care about technology. Now he’s gone broader — and will be looking for volunteers to help. I encourage you to take a look and […]

Citizen Media Session at Harvard Next Tuesday

I’ll be leading the weekly Fellows Luncheon at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society (Harvard Law School) next Tuesday. There’s also a webcast.

A DRM Lesson for Spielberg

The Guardian has a front-page story, “Spielberg loses out at the push of a button,” about problems British critics are having when they try to view a limited-edition DVD of his new movie, Munich, for an awards contest: Developed by Cinea, a subsidiary of Dolby, the players permit their owners to view encrypted DVD “screeners”, […]