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The Fate of Newspapers

Michael Kinsley: Black and White and Dead All Over. And so, at last, there are two piles of paper: a short one of stuff to read, and a tall one of stuff to throw away. Unfortunately, many people are taking the logic of this process one step further. Instead of buying a paper in order to throw most of it away, they are not buying it in the first place.

1 Comment on “The Fate of Newspapers”

  1. #1 Mark Devlin
    on Jan 7th, 2006 at 10:06 pm

    Kinsley shows that old habits die hard, but when they do they are dead forever.

    Newspapers are poorly suited to the basic feature of the net — person-to-person interactivity. Internet news sites can now take strong advantage of new net tools, such as personalisation, blogging, user comments, citizen journalism, social networks and tagging to challenge traditional media. In our case we are integrating social networking into our news sites to create personalised news delivery and extremely granular advertising advertising channels, something that just isn’t possible to do on paper, and that shows that new technologies can actually make money. Print newspapers will adapt but it will be too little, too late. The king is dead. Long live the king.

    PS: Dan, congratualtions and good luck with your new project.